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GRRRR FRUSTRATED over feeders!

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Ok so I find this guy on craigslist offering feeder rodents. Long story short, these feeder mice were killed like 2 days before I picked them up (50 count). IMHO they should have been frozen immediately upon death. Which means that when I picked them up from the guy, they should have been likewise still somewhat frozen. They only felt refrigerated. I texted the guy back and asked if they were ever frozen, and no definative reply. So....should I just chalk this up as a loss and toss them out, or are they ok if they were refrigerated for a day or so?



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What was the original arrangement? If I ordered frozen mice and receieved refridgorated mice I would want them to be replaced with what I ordered (frozen). If the guy isn't willing to offer proper honest communication to a first time buyer I surely wouldn't give him any future business and would seek to "report" him as doing bad business (I'm not sure if Craigslist offers this).

If they were killed and promptly refridgorated, I suspect it would be safe to then freeze them two days later. Personally I would ask my mother or my local butcher what the rule on this is on human grade food (I believe it's okay, but double check).


Just refreeze them ..

They should of been sent on dri ice ...

The arn`t going to do anything to your tegu ...

Personally I wouldn`t buy any thing off of cragslist or any other list as far as that goes ..

You get what they send you [If they send you anything ] There is no recourse ...


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I know when i worked at a slaughter house we could keep meat in the fridge for three days after slaughter for speacial orders. The only reason slaughter places do a quick freeze (placing the meat right in the freezer before cutting) is to make sure it does not get tough, tough meat does not sell well or taste good... to humans. There should be no foo safty issue with only two days at fridge temps as long as they were refidgerated. I would make sure they are frozen all the way through before feeding just to be safe.

Draco D Tegu

New Member
Well for starters, the original arrangement was for frozen feeders. This was a local pick up, so they should have not been thawed. I know I will NOT be doing business with this guy again. I preferred local pick up because I've never ordered an animal (alive or dead) through the mail ..... guess I am just stuck in my ways :)

I am just being anal retentive with my critterz and don't really know what "safe" is for rodent feeders / reptiles.

We'll see if I can get my snakes to accept them tonight.

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