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I'm sure there are others on here who may have some better advice but I would say handle as much as possible to help get him used to you. Obviously let him sleep when he wants and try not to disturb him when he's burried under substrate but when he's out I would grab him and enjoy him when u can. I would hold him secure enough he won't fall out of ur hands but not too tight to where u r hurting him. I let mine hang out on my shoulder while I do stuff sometimes too. He seems to like walking around up there and is very good at staying up there. Another good idea is to go into a room where there aren't any places he could get to where u wouldn't be able to get him when needed and just let him walk around while u hang out in there with him. Also, I fill my tub up with warm water about an inch or so high at least every other day and let him hang in there for a bit. Most of the time I will throw on my trunks and sit in there with him. He will crawl all over me and lay on me while pet him. Anyway, hopefully u can use one or two of those ideas.