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harness aggression


New Member
Hershey, Pa
I recently tried a harness on my tegu and she is about 10 mons old. She has always been very mellow aside from when she was a hatchling but she hated the harness. she constantly kept backing up trying to get it off and if we came near her she would arch up with her mouth open and even jumped up at me to try to bite me. If we would try to pick her up she would do death rolls. Im guessing she probably felt threatened and vulnerable because she couldnt get away from the harness. Should I keep working with her to try to get her used to it? I want to be able to let her outside to enjoy the natural sunlight but I dont want to stress her out too much or make her not trust me anymore.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Keep working with her it takes time for them to get use to it. Start off letting her wear it for short sessions inside while free roaming or just sitting around. As she gets use to it lengthen the time and then start taking her outside with it on. I don't know if she's was outside when she reacted or if she's even use to being outside but it can happen either way inside or out. For now it's something that's not suppose to be there and needs to come off. Given time and sometimes after they try everything to get it off they ignore it.

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