my black and white is going through a real bad shed is the only way to describe it.... its like i think she started a shed but hasnt grown due to starting hibernation and cannout finish the shed i swear its like it wont come off and it also seems like its 3 or 4 layers thick that is peeling but wont come off unless i pull it off and it seems painful.... i been bathing her a lot and yes the tank is very humid.... it doesnt seem normal she shed fine her last 2 before this.... i dnt know if i should bring her to the vet or not.... i guess i should post some pics on here this weekend like i said i was going too.... does anyone know what this could mean or be? she hasnt eaten at all lately but i think shes trying to hibernate or at least slow down greatly shes out way less but its weird a lot of times she sleeps above ground dont know why.... the red does that too but not as much....