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rhetoricx said:
i dont think anyone is trying to upset you, they just want to help you save time and money in the long run. its your tegu, do what you want with it. hope your dad feels better!

thanks! my dad also recently got his tooth pulled so it might take a bit longer but yes we will begin building the cage soon and im sure the tegu will be able to live in the cage i have for now for at least 2 weeks.

also how do i regulate heat in a glass enclosure? could i use a heat cable or something i just need help and directions on what to get so i dont end up having to spend a bunch of money on stuff for another enclosure


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As discussed here previously... do not use UTH (Under Tank Heat)... In nature Tegus get heat from the sun and reduce heat by burrowing. If you have a heat source in the bottom of the tank this reverses what comes natural.

You will want to use either a light bulb. A Ceramic Heat Emitter would also work, but these are typically used for nocturnal animals that do not like direct light but do like direct heat (Tegus are not nocturnal).

If you are concerned about the tank overheating, then use ventilation to regulate heat.


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I use one for each enclosure solarglo either 150 or 160 watt whichevers the highest, I forget. It keeps the basking temps about 105-110. Their raised basking spots so if its too hot I just lower it. Zoo med has Powersun, I've never used it but a lot of members here like it. It is more expensive.

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