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Help on blue albino tegu care/needs


New Member
Hey! I just recently adopted a blue albino tegu that will be 2 in October. I can't get a definate answer on the albino tegu and their lighting needs. I have read where they need considerably lower light because brighter light leads to blindness. Also since we got her 2 days ago, I'm sure she's just getting acclimated still, but socialization tips will help. Any advice what so ever, I'd appreciate!


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New Member
Well, either what I did worked well or I was extremely lucky, Sammy is very friendly to all, likes to be held and petted, walks well on a leash, poops on a pad, can be fed by hand, understands "yes" and "no" when walking, and so far is not exhibiting any signs of "guberty". We have visited a number of stores. He just sits in the top of the Lowe's cart for most of the visit, other than times when others wanted to hold him. Many nights he sits on top of my chest while I am laying on the sofa watching TV (or snuffles about under the blanket).
When I first got him he was probably a few months old, still had some green tints. I always kept a smelly shirt in his hiding area. I let him stay to himself for 4 or 5 days. After that I would always approach slowly, talking as I did so, and tried to pick him up from underneath rather than grabbing him from above. I frequently hummed the same songs I used to use to lull my kids to sleep when they were babies to him. When he was comfortable being held, I kept him with me frequently while doing household tasks. I often wore two shirts, allowing him to crawl under top shirt and feel secure without sacrificing my flesh to his sharp little claws! I always waited until I put him back to feed him. As he became more relaxed I introduced leash training using a sign with green "yes" on one side, red "no" on the other to direct him as he walked about. As long as he is in his early growth phase, I am feeding him every day, which I think limits food aggression tendencies. I also do not feed any live mice, birds, etc, figuring that will likely spur his "hunter killer" tendencies.
I only had about a month of interaction after bringing him home initially, then he brumated for 7 months (kept a shirt in with him).
My biggest problem with him is his tendency to eat rocks when walking him outside. I understand they can be helpful for digestion, but I am trying to avoid having him eat too many or any that are too big. Honestly, I had to grab some that were nearly as big as his head out of his mouth.
Summarizing, I have treated him as you would a dog or a cat, and he has responded.

I love this site, wish more people actively posted/replied.


New Member
I have a wooden cutting board with a thermostatically controlled heating pad under it, and a double bulb fixture with one infrared and one UV bulb, both pretty high wattages, if I had to guess I would say 100w each. Distance of about 10". I keep those items on about 8 hours a day. Also have a heating pad on full time under one side of his 2 1/2' square hiding area, which has a plywood cover over it. Sometimes I find him burrowed in the coconut coir on the cold side, sometimes on the side. He comes out once or twice a day to bask, but spends most of his time in his hide. I take him for a "poop walk" once a day, usually about 1/2 hour. I usually have him laying on my chest for a few hours under a blanket while watching TV. Take him on frequent road trips to Wendy's, PetSmart, Lowes, etc.



New Member
Thanks so much for a response. That makes sense. I'm still tweaking mine a bit but all this info is helpful. Thanks!


New Member
Although looking more closely, it isn't truly albino, is it? I believe it would be amelanistic, since eyes are brown, not red. Or am I incorrect on that? In either case, way cool...


New Member
Her eyes are definitely red. I think the photos made them appear brown at the time or it's either how I have my camera settings. Yours sure is a handsome guy too, looks like he loves icecream!

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