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Hey dudes greetings from Scotland


New Member
Hi I'm a soon to be tegu owner and I've been trawling the forum for a good few months now soaking up every bit of info I can find

I've been keeping reptiles for 30 years mainly keeping and breeding pythons but I'm at the point now where I'm only interested in keeping my dream species and providing the best possible enclosure setup and care

So I have 2 Super dwarf retic pythons a purple albino and a het anery het purple
And the black and white tegu will complete all the reptiles I wish to keep

My tegu is a 24 hatchling so still very young and I've purchased a 5x2x2 pvc Viv to start him/her off in and this will hopefully last for the first 12 months then I will purchase a 8x4x4 (that's the biggest I can buy in the UK) and 1 of the retics can move to the 5x2x2 pvc Viv
So that's a little about me and I should hopefully receive the tegu in 4 weeks time so gives me plenty of time to get everything setup and dialled in

Will get some pics up when everything is setup so I can get some critique on improvements I can make

Peace and love


New Member
Exciting! Having a Tegu was always a dream of mine too and its been so fun getting to know him the last couple years. Cant wait to see your little one!

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