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Hey Guys!


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5 Year Member
Yeah, I agree. That is a valid concern.

As time goes on and they age, that would be something I would be aware of while hand feeding. If I started to notice that my hand was being mistaken for food, I would then stop.
It depends on the animal. I have Tegus and Monitors I can pet on the face while hand feeding them, and they never look at my hand as food even tho I am hand feeding them. I have a green Iggy, that will hardly eat, unless he is being hand fed.
Then again I have animals I would not hand feed because I have decided that it is to unsafe.

A lot of this stuff comes with time and knowing your animal. The more time you spend with him over the next few years the more you will get to know your, and the animals limits. Even in the same species, it can drastically change from 1 personality type to another.
I have "base line" rules when handling, but most of it is based of what the individual animal shows me, not the species as a whole.

It is why I do not tell people that my way is the only way. I do not want to get people or their animals hurt. I just put my opinions and options out there. I do at times push the limits of handling. But, I never feel that I am going to get my self hurt. Even I have limits.
I always keep my wife's, mine and the animals safety top priority.

You have to when one of these is sleeping down the hall from where you sleep at night. :-D


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New Member
I don't think that I would mind having that at the other end of the hallway. ;]

In fact, it looks like a type of Boa maybe? Purely going off the way the head is shaped, but I could (and probably am) wrong. lol.

I had 2 Ball Pythons, and 1 Red Tail Hypo sleeping in my room, and I don't think that it would phase me to have them get out and snuggle with me in bed. In fact the two balls got out one day, slithered over me, to the other side of the room on an epic quest through the darkness of my room. I woke up, found them, put them back in their enclosure and laughed, sure, they could've gotten out, but they curled up in my dirty laundry and stayed. lol.


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5 Year Member
AlbatrossTrevelyan said:
I don't think that I would mind having that at the other end of the hallway. ;]

In fact, it looks like a type of Boa maybe? Purely going off the way the head is shaped, but I could (and probably am) wrong. lol.

I had 2 Ball Pythons, and 1 Red Tail Hypo sleeping in my room, and I don't think that it would phase me to have them get out and snuggle with me in bed. In fact the two balls got out one day, slithered over me, to the other side of the room on an epic quest through the darkness of my room. I woke up, found them, put them back in their enclosure and laughed, sure, they could've gotten out, but they curled up in my dirty laundry and stayed. lol.

That is a 5 foot long male West African Gaboon Viper. They have the longest fangs of any snake in the world and do to that can inject a large enough amount of venom that they are one of the most deadly.
They also have amazing aim and close to a 60 MPH strike speed.

One bit from this guy and its lights out. So, you would not want to give him a hug.


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5 Year Member
AlbatrossTrevelyan said:
I found out that my baby Tegu (hopefully he said) is from Roy x Magnolia. :D Is this good?

My yearling was from Roy and Purdy, And she is amazing looking in my opinion. :-D And Roy is a great looking tegu, and ive heard magnolia is Gorgeous! Any tegu you get from Bobby will be fantastic. Dont worry!


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