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hi everyone! got some questions, hope you guys can help out



Hi everybody here.

i recently got my new red tegu (a couple months old).

i bought a 26W uvb light (brand name is exo-treea) which s written:
full spectrum terrarium lamp
high color rendering index of 98 CRI
6700k color temperature
so,,, for my little guy, how many hours i need to turn it on could make the best effect?

and cuz i m thinking to get another argentina B&W tegu about the same age and size as this red tegu & i watched some videos that people put more than one tegus together in the same cage, i wondered is there any chances that they may fight, and their bodis will not be complete any more or it will cause some mental problem (assume the size of the cage is BIG enough for 2 baby tegus)? since it happens quite often among iguanas...

Thank all of you in advance, and your info will be veryvery helpful!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Well tegus are completely different than iguanas, males can be kept together sometimes with no conflict, if you plan on keeping them together you should introduce them in a place that is nuetral to both tegus, and make sure you keep an extra enclosure on hand just in case! the exo terra bulbs should be fine i used them for my tegus and they work just fine i would still get my tegu outside as much as possible for natural sunlight no bulb can compete with the sun! good luck!


New Member
Well there is always a "possibility" of fighting when you mix animals even of the same species.

But with tegu's id have to say its very minimal worst you have to worry about is them fighting over food, many people feed them together like I do and sometimes they bite each others tips of the tounges off when feeding.

As far as fighting just cause id say you have nothing to worry about, introduce your other tegu slowly if you see the 1st tegu acting weird pick him up and maybe try to introduce them together in a nuetral enviroment like the rest room or your bed.

Oh, and your UV light is good, thats the one I use I keep it on same time as I do my bask light, then it turns off at 8 pm at night when they go to sleep.

Good luck!


New Member
5 Year Member
Yeah I am agreeing with what everyone else is saying.

I also use the same bulb in my Tegu's cage.

Good luck and post up some pictures.


thank you guys sooo much for all these helpful tips. i ll post some pix next week. XD

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