This past saturday(10/02)I picked up my first tegu. He/ she is pretty small, only about 10". The first day he ate a few crickets and a little bit of some soft boiled egg. But since then he has been burrowed and hasn't come out at all. I realize I'm most likely overreacting and should just let him do his thing but I was hoping he might not hibernate this winter so I can get some size on him/her. I know no answer here is guaranteed but I was just wondering what you guys would guess getting ready to hibernate or just getting used to his new home?
Also my new little guy is in a 30 gal. His temps are 107 for basking about 87 on the warm side and around 78 on the cool side.
Also my new little guy is in a 30 gal. His temps are 107 for basking about 87 on the warm side and around 78 on the cool side.