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hysteric tegu


Whell not really histeric, but let say very very active. I've noticed in my tegu this frequent behavior: he roams around the room very quickly and actively licking and climbing on anything, especially the sofa. He seems like he wants to eskape from the room or at least climb to the highest point. He looks up and he wants to go up somewere. If I sat down in front of the sofà he climbs on me using my body as a bridge for the sofa. He is so active he jumps from a sofa to another. I usually let him in the terrarium until three pm, then I let him out giving him the entire room to roam around. This room has an open window door so he has many hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon for basking (in the terrarium he also has obviously a uvb light). I'm sure is not hunger or thirst (I've tried feeding him in this circumstances but he is not interested). Neither searching for a place to hide (he have access to the terrarium with plenty of substrate and places to hide into). He usually have this behavior after having plenty of direct sunlight. Could it be the result of a good sun warm up, with battery recharge and excitement ? Did none of you ever noticed this kind of behaviour ? He is not really aggrressive, he simply is unrestrainable (i don't know if the word is correct), like he was saying: "don't stop me, i have to go". I have a cat in the house, bute he is not allowed in the room (there is like a gate between th too rooms) could it be that he smells the cat and he is excited by the smell ?


San Luis Obispo, CA
if he woke up from brumation recently, it could be him looking for some ladies. thats the way all my reptiles get after they wake up from their winter snooze. other than that, i don't have an idea, unless the smell of the cat is new to him, i suppose that could illicit some sort of response, but i would think more along the lines of nervous, not busy. maybe it very well is he's just pumped from being so warm and fresh feeling!

Dana C

You didn't mention the age of your tegu. There are a couple of things to consider in observing the behavior. The first point is when you consider the considerable intelligence of tegus, curiosity becomes a real possibility. With the very active nature of his or her behavior in the specific room I have to assume that youth is part of the equation. My boy Capt'n Jack was much the same for the first 9 months or so but is beginning to jump around less. Part of his apparent need for high places is his instinct to look for predators.
That brings us to fear. The behavior you describe could very will be attributable to a little fear. An enclosure is smaller, secure and likely has a burrow or two. You tegu associates it with "safe".
Given time, your kid will chill out a bit and calmly enjoy his or her time out. The watch words are "given time". It could be a few months.[/i]


He/she is almost 7 month old. Actually, when he acts like that he seems to have fear ande he sometimes also bury himself under the sofa. I try to never force him, i just open the terrarium door and he comes out when he wants. Thank you for the explanation, that make sense.

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