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I need advice on lizards becoming less tame


I've had my two Columbian tegus for a little over a month they were quite tame when they came home even let me carry them around the house and chill when I was watching tv. Handle them every day I do trust exercizes( sliding my hand under their torso and staying in the enclosure) and hand feed with a colored glove (which they have slowely started recognizing I'm going to feed them when wearing it) but they don't always accept it they just lick it for a couple minutes.

Anywho. They have started to become skittish when handled. Trying to jump off of me or run down my back. Clyde is 100% OK being pet and having hand around as long as its in the cage. Bonnie has started crawling off(slowly) and hiding which I let her do. I hope having to give her antibiotic injections hasn't traumatized her.

Do y'all have any tips on getting g the to retrust me and tell me where I went wrong taming them.

Jackie & Hellboy

Active Member
The jumping off and crawling all over your back thing is probably because they want to crawl around and explore, if they aren't hissing and puffing or posturing up at you they aren't being defensive just curious, they're very active animals that don't want to just sit on a perch and chill. They are extremely curious about everything and trying to limit them from doing so might frustrate them (my black and white argentine male gets upset when I keep putting him back in his cage and he's trying to get out while I'm cleaning or something, he starts crawling faster and trying to roll out of my hands while making sighing noises like short puffs). Now about bonnie crawling off slowly and hiding, my red tegu doesn't like being touched unless its on his terms if you walk up to him he huffs and postures but if he walks up to me while I'm sitting down he doesn't seem to mind as much (he still doesn't enjoy it but tolerates it a lot more). Your bonnie may have learned about the shots you gave her but as long as you continue building her trust with short positive experiences and don't finish your interactions on a bad note (i.e. closing the cage while she is running crazy scared franticly) she should come back around.

Jackie & Hellboy

Active Member
I see, and that is not a problem, I just thought you were trying to get them to lie down with you on the couch or something, which they wont do unless they really want to lol! A good tactic for getting them used to you is just sitting on the floor of a room they can explore and while they explore and come near you, you stay relatively still and try not to stare at them they may find this as you being unhealthily interested in them, then if they come close enough to smell you and touch you, you may slowly let them smell your hand and keep doing what they're doing. feeding a few things to them during this bonding time will also help with their trust of you being close by and touching them. I hope this helps.


Today Clyde started puffing at me with a bit of a squeak. He was the most tame this behavior kmstarted when I switched to a mercury vapor build and added an active humidifier. Could this have anything to due with it

Jackie & Hellboy

Active Member
It could have been that the bulb and humidifier have raised his activity or energy level which could cause him to seem more fiesty but he just may be used to new things.


OK I also have been doing the occasional free roam in the master bath. I clean it from top to bottom and block the spaces under doors. I set up lamps close enough to the ground to produce adequate heat and uvb and some objects to climb and explire . I'll sit and watch Netflix on my phone while the run around. Clyde has really opened up to receiving attention, bonnie is still defensive with loud huffing but if I slowly offer my hand for her to smell she will cautious ly let me handle her

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