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Hi guys, I do not own a tegu yet but I am hopefully getting one soon. I was told that an adult tegu would be ok in a 4ft long and 3ft deep and a height of 2ft is that true? Thanks in advance
minimum recommended is 6'x3'x3' the recommended size is 8'x4'x4' but your best bet is to go by this, there enclosure should be double there length in length and as wide as they are long and should have at least 2' of substrate to burrow in.
Hi @Lizardlokz that would not be enough space for a full grown adult tegu. 7 sq ft would barely be enough for the animal to turn around. Search around on the forums and see some of the clever enclosures some of our members have built to give yourself some ideas. It may help to make two levels to increase the floor area.