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Ignoring the beast (sort of long)

Dana C

This is sort of in response to Vince's post and a story of my own.
About a month ago I recieved a Red from Reptile City...yes I know the stories. He she arrived in good health and packaged well with heat packs.
I am sure she was captive bred but most likely not in this country and was not handled much if at all. She was almost 16" on October 28.
It has been over 8 years since I have owned a Tegu by the way. The one I owned, a B&W Arg. was a biter at first, like welders gloves needed bites. However after a month or so he sort of gave up and figured out I was ok.
Back to the present. The little girl or boy was really fiesty as many or most young Tegu's are. It did NOT want to be held period. She never tried to bite but huffed and puffed and said very nasty things when my back was turned...LOL.
I started with picking her up by the base of her tail and slipping my hand under her and cradling her in my arms when she was cool in the mornings. That way she warmed up in my arms with my smell so as to associate me with a good thing. During the last four weeks I would carry her to the bath tub for a warm bath, candle light and champagne...well maybe not that but I found out she really liked a nice soak for 15 minutes or so. I would then pick her up and she seemed calmer. I would put her down with the door closed and let her explore while I sat on the floor. For three weeks I did this and she would not come close to me. However, I stroked her head and cheeks/jowls in the enclosure which she tolerated some of the time.
Fast forward to today.......after her sniffing at me and licking me for the last few days after her bath, (every other day), I picked her up with a little effort as she still isn't wild about the "picking up thing", and took her into the bath room. I notice during the trip to the bathroom she had calmed down to a new level. I placed her in her bath with her younger brother and went to scramble an egg with calcium for her.

Now here is the break through! I sat down next to the tub and put my hand in the water and moved it towards her slowly and rubbed her head and face. She climbed up my arm out of the tub and proceeded down to the floor and explored as she always does. Not five minutes went by when she headed in my direction and walk around me several times but never went far from me. After the fourth circut she climbed up on my leg and walked towards my lap stopping at my knee. ( I was sitting on the floor). After a minute or two she advanced further to my hand whiche was on my leg. She then layed her head on my hand. I stroked her under her chin as she closed her eyes, layed out flat and napped on me. She eventually woke up and climbed down but never went further away than the length of my leg.

I was and am totally blown away by the trust she showed in me and mabye even a little need for my touch.

Bobby Hill in his Taming the Beast post is right. Over the past few weeks when I put her on the floor in the bathroom I sat down and ignored her. Finally she couldn't stand it any more and now comes to me for attention.

These are incredible creatures. I love them....funny for a 62 year old man to say isn't it.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Awesome story, thanks for sharing! Patience on the owner's part(a good book helps pass the time) is the best tool for building trust with these creatures.


5 Year Member
THAT is how you tame a tegu. It's a pain in the butt sometimes, and can take forever (seemingly), but damn if it isn't worth it...right?

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
^ ^ ^ I know that's right :) one of the many ways,.. patience first and foremost. Sometimes the most difficult ones to tame can be the most rewarding and become your favorite when they do come around.

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