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im thinkin


New Member
no ive had large snakes before but im feel like im quickly adapting to the more specialized needs off these large monitor/ tegu species... i like my monitor alot more then i liked the gu's,, but that personal preference.... dont be mad guys over at varnyard sorry ;)


New Member
5 Year Member
No hard feelings. People have their own preferences (I love alligator lizards more so than any other lizard :) ). I was just wondering how much experience and research you've had/done with monitors. Most monitors don't really tame down at all, that and the majority is wild caught, not captive bred. Which means many babies may have parasites and/or diseases that you may not be aware of at first. So you'll definitely need to take your new monitor in to a specialty vet to check for these parasites.

When I bought my baby savannah, the people that I bought it from didn't know if it was C/B or W/C and it ended up having a serious roundworm problem. Just be careful with them and if you need any help with your new sav, just let me know!

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