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This is the new enclosure I am building him. As a former general contractor I thought I might post the build if it helps anyone that lacks building experience. It is a bottom level 8x4. Also will have a top level that is 8x3. The top will be divided into three sections, for two beardies and one for our water dragon. Here is a step by step for anyone who needs it. Step one for a light weight enclosure but that is stackable is cut the 1x2 end parts at a 45 degree angle. No need to use anything but 1x2. They are lighter, take up less space, and the sheeting will provide additional strength. If I were caging a gorilla I might use 2x4. Predrill and screw together like thisEnds will look like this.This is the basic framework.  This how to screw it all together at the joints. Front view with a 10" build up at the bottom for substraight and above that the framed opening for the sliding plexiglass. Also above the plexiglass its a good idea to double up the framework to span the opening. Lastly you need to think ahead for other features like I am planning for. This pic shows a horizontal ledger about midway up the interior wall that jogs downward about halfway down the enclosure. This is for a basking shelf at the higher end that is connected to a lower level by a ramp. The lower level will have water on top and Jethro will have a hide underneath. To be continued. If I am not clear enough please ask questions or post constructive positive ideas too.
