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I saw one of your videos a long time ago when I was looking at getting a Gu, and it made me not get an Extreme. People kept saying they were the largest. I looked at the same video several times the past month too! I've always wondered who you are and if you were on a Tegu forum!
This thread is null and void without proof . Without proof its all hear say. Proof being recent pics with a tape measure for length and a scale for weight. Even then in most cases a video would be better since pics these days can easily be altered. The bath tub pic doesn‘t really help since not all tubs are the same size or length.
Yup!!!^^^ Exactly. I can claim my guys 5 feet long and 30 lbs but if I actually tried to prove it it'd become obvious that he's only about 42-45 inches in length and well under 20 lbs. Let's add pics next to tape measures and on scales for proof to this thread!
I started the tread to give me an idea of how big different tegus get. And you are right bubblz it's null and void with out some proof of actual measurement next to the tegu. Hopefully people will just tell the truth and not lie about it.