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just think!!!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i was browsing another forum about cycluras, and there as an interesting topic over there about the lacey act. for those that may not know it is a bill they(congress) have been trying to pass(not sure if it has been passed already) thqt would ban transporting larger boas and pythons across state lines. now it got me to thinking what about larger lizard species? what if they passed a law for the lizard species? i got to thinking because all of my larger lizards came from across the state line, and what if i couldnt have gotten my tegus from bobby or my rhino from tom. this is a window of opportunity for them to pass such a law. although i do think their are some reptile species that should be monitored. but seriously this would put a lot of great reptile breeders out of business. how would you feel if you couldnt have gotten your tegu, we need to seriously think about how this law could effect us.


5 Year Member
The Lacey Act provides that it is unlawful for any person to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire, or purchase any fish or wildlife or plant taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of any law, treaty, or regulation of the United States or in violation of any Indian tribal law whether in interstate or foreign commerce. The lacey act has been passed for a while, I think you are refering to the s373. THat is the act that is threatening our way of life at the moment, and yes it needs to be addressed with everyone. Not just snake keepers, but everyone that owns any animals.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
ok yeah i was thinking about the s373 sorry for the mix up thanks for correcting me !


New Member
5 Year Member
I really hope that the s373 doesn't pass, I'm not sure where it stands right now, all I know is that I signed a petition for it in January at the reptile super show.

If this does pass, then, yes, what's holding them back from doing the same with lizards? If the government wanted to ban the selling and transportation of large snakes, they should have at least left it up to the states to decide! Not put a federal ban up for it all.


New Member
5 Year Member
i will post here that a friend of mine posted up on a different forum with a State of the Reptile Nation Address...but i completely disagree there is not one species that needs to be "monitored" a competency test should be given before even taking home a leopard gecko, but as for monitor the animals we keep no. I know people in Florida who take GREAT care of thier snakes w/o the monitoring of our wonderful gov't who if you have not noticed, is quick to jump in ANYWHERE and correct people on what they are doing then take over -.- last thing i need are cops visiting me because i own a boa(which was on their list of snakes to BAN)

And i do agree if they start with snakes whose to say they will stop their..next will be the crocodile monitor, then black throat, white throat, peach throat, argus, black roughneck...they will leave us with is pictures and old posts remembering all the good times.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i agree But when i say monitored i mean not allowing a 15 or 16 y/o to go out and purchase a nile monitor or similar lizard or large constrictor w/o knowing how to properly care for one. i did just that thinking it was a cool lizard and didnt fully understand that this lizard could reach 6-7 ' and would require a room-sized enclosure; needless to say the poor lizard died. noe after researching the care of reptiles i know it was a bad choice.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
I don't agree with BSLs or anything like that, I'm on the fence about the Spay and Neuter Legislation that already passed. But in all honesty if people weren't so selfish, inconsiderate and actually owned up to their responsibilities as well as their pets in the first place, we wouldn't be in this situation. Unfortunately that's not the case,...so, here we are. There's always a few that have to ruin it for everyone else. At the same time the breeders and pet shops are just as responsible for selling to any and everyone that has the money.

Either way you look at it we are here now, its an issue across the board and something has to be done. If it requires any and everyone to have a license and or be certified to own Any animals, (and it actually helps with the issues) than so be it.

If you're knowledgeable and you keep your animals the way you're suppose to. With their health, safety as well as yours and others in mind then you shouldn't have a problem with getting one.

Some people are just ridiculous. :roll: There hasn't been a day where someone hasn't reminded me, that some people shouldn't have kids, pets, plants or even a fricken pet rock.

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