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So I bought a harness leash from PetSmart today and after some convincing, worked it on to Gaia. I took her outside for a walk in the grass and the gardens.. Her first time on a leash, she's about two and a half months old? or so. It went swimmingly :]
Is that a T-Rex leash? I use the same thing for Kodo. He doesn't like to wear it and is very good at taking it off, but he's just too small for a ferret harness.
Glad it worked! They all seem to enjoy being outside but its nearly impossible to trust them enough to just let 'em go.. She looks like shes enjoying herself
Yeah it took some convincing to get her into it but once I did she didn't really try to fight it too hard. Of course she still has a ways to go with getting used to the concept of a leash haha but I was amazed at how well the first try went And yeah, it's a medium T rex leash.. it's almost too big for her too haha but luckily she wasnt trying too hard to wiggle free.
Looks like she is spoiled & growing like a weed. Great job your doing!
Hatch date was on June 10th, just in case you ever need her B-day for a vet visit or reference.
So cute. It is good to get them used to a harness now. I got my guys as adults and are impossible to force into a harness than if I manage it they slither around on their belly and spend all their time trying to get out.