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least likely to become aggressive? red or black n white?


New Member
ive been wanting to get a tegu for months and am going to go for it but would prefer to end up with one that is not aggressive. Obvioulsly this is mainly down to how the owner treats it, and gives it regular attention and handling etc which it will certainly get from me.

However from people's experience which is least likely to become aggressive? the red tegu or the black n white ? ive heard conflicting opinions around ze webs.....



Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
It varies. I don't think there is any difference. Each tegu has its own "personality". Something to consider before buying a tegu, not all of them do tame down as well as others. Are you willing/able to care for a tegu that may not tame down completely?

Dana C

elliotuk said:
ive been wanting to get a tegu for months and am going to go for it but would prefer to end up with one that is not aggressive. Obvioulsly this is mainly down to how the owner treats it, and gives it regular attention and handling etc which it will certainly get from me.

However from people's experience which is least likely to become aggressive? the red tegu or the black n white ? ive heard conflicting opinions around ze webs.....


John is correct in that each has it's own personality. While I am not a very experienced Tegu keeper as compared to others, I have bred and shown dogs for a lot of years. I also have raised and shown cats, (siamese). In the order mamalia, parentage has a great deal to do with it. Dogs and cats with great personalities usually come from parents that are the same. Reptiles may be simular in that respect but since most Tegu's are bought without seeing or interacting with the parent Tegu's, who knows?

I really think it is a matter of how you interact with your Tegu no matter what the species is as long as it is Argentinian. I have a B&W male Gordo who, when he is awake, is very docile and dog like. Eva, my Red girl craves attention and my AA, Junior, is a little **** most of the time but he is still quite young.

Handle, interact, talk to them often...very often. I give Evita, (Eva), cheek strokes several times a day and an hour of one on one time in the bathroom every day. Junior, usually is part of the action and usually calms down after a few minutes. Gordo? Well Gordo is Gordo and he is sound asleep for a couple of months.

Bottom line is that I don't think color, (read subspecies), makes a lot of difference. What you do does.

Make the plunge and get one!

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