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I think most of us involved in Tegutalk are of the mind that sexing them is dangerously invasive. I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong, or if that's changed. I've seen a video on it and I would never do it to my Skully. I'm using the "patience" process, and just watching to see how her jowls are developing. I know it's disappointing to hear, but I think you could regret injuring your Tegu. Glad to have you on the blog!
@Walter1 I kind was more wonder if the tegu is even old enough to tell because the reptile expo I got it at told me he is 6 months old... but there is no way he is only 18 inches and way too small. So I was more wondering what age should you even bother looking.
Easy there big girl......wasn't thinking you were a moron before........how would any of us know what you know? Are we all morons until we know that information?