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My new B&W Tegu: General care questions.


New Member
My husband and I just got our first tegu yesterday, we talked to a bunch of people that are pretty experienced with them before deciding 100% on getting her and seem to know the basics but I just want to know as much possible and make sure we do everything right. She is roughly 18 months old, name is Maleficent,(Disney buff!) Pretty good size, not sure of her exact measurements. She is set up, for now, in 55gal tank but I am afraid that is already too small, it is just an extra tank we had at home and were told it should be fine because she will grow fast but I would like to know if we should get her something bigger for the time being. she has mulch in with her and a heat lamp, we will be getting her a uv lamp also. She has eaten a small amount since we brought her home, I read that she probably wont eat as much as normal while she gets used to her new home so to just be patient. so yeah, just curious about the size her enclosure should be right now at her age and size and absolutely open to any and all tips and advice, first time tegu mommy so it doesn't hurt to know "too" much! Thanks!

Magnus Boden


New owner myself since about a month but from what I have read a 18 months old tegu is pretty much fully growned and would require a 8x4 enclosure.



New Member
Hmmmm, maybe she is a lot younger than 18 months..? I could've sworn that's what they told us. but she is still relatively small.
I attached a photo of her, if anyone can help determine a rough estimate of her age that would be great. ill also see if I can contact the people we got her from.


  • maleficent.jpg
    891.3 KB · Views: 35

Magnus Boden

Check this thread out and guestimate how old yours is:

I read that it the enclosure should preferably be so big that it will fit your tegu in both directions. To me your enclosure looks to little I would start building a new enclosure right away if I was you. I just build mine and it cost about $450 and some sweat.


When his tegu was about 1 year and 5 month it was 39" and weighted about 2.3kg.

It contains this information about DaveDragon's B&W female.

Date Weight Length
5/15/2007 bought
5/20/2007 43.8g 11.00"
5/24/2007 41.5g
5/27/2007 44.2g
5/29/2007 46.9g
5/31/2007 47.5g
6/1/2007 47.7g
6/3/2007 50.9g 11.63"
6/6/2007 57.4g
6/9/2007 49.8g
6/13/2007 54.3g
6/15/2007 59.0g
6/16/2007 58.7g
6/17/2007 61.6g
6/21/2007 63.5g
6/24/2007 59.2g
6/28/2007 71.1g 12.5"
6/30/2007 73.1g
7/2/2007 78.3g
7/5/2007 81.4g 13.00"
7/9/2007 88.7g
7/14/2007 96.0g
7/16/2007 103.3g
7/18/2007 107.8g
7/25/2007 135.1g 15.50"
8/1/2007 144.2g
8/7/2007 179.5g 17.50"
8/11/2007 185.5g
8/18/2007 220.0g 19.00"
9/1/2007 300.0g
9/9/2007 375.0g 22"
9/22/2007 425.0g
9/30/2007 24.5"
10/7/2007 470.0g
10/21/2007 545.0g
11/5/2007 605.0g
12/24/2007 730.0g
1/27/2008 820.0g 29"
10/4/2008 2265.0g
10/19/2008 39"


New Member
That enclosure is awesome! That's a lot like what my husband and I have kind of been brainstorming about. if you don't mind me asking, what materials did you use?

Hudson Valley


I have two of these, one above the basking spot and another one on the other end of the enclosure a little higher so the temp is lower there.

Solar Raptor 160W MVL (http://herperschoise.se/product.html/solar-raptor-160w-mvl?category_id=13)
Exo Terra, Glow Light Large (http://herperschoise.se/product.html/glow-light-large?category_id=17)

Thank you. This information is very helpful as it will not be long before an enclosure of this size will be needed for each of our boys.

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