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To my understanding Goldens don't lose their colouration. I always wanted to get one but I'm afraid to put any more weight on the floor of my room.
I currently have a 40 gallon and 20 gallon fish tanks weighing about 650 pounds in total. I also have a 8'x4'x4' cage for my tegu that probably weighs at least 250-300 pounds including the substrate. So as you can see I'm slightly paranoid to add anymore weight to the 900-950 pounds sitting in my room... did I mention my room is on the second floor! :shock: :bolt
I got this guy at the San Francisco Bay Area Tarantula Society Meet at Concord. They had a few reptile vendors there at the meet selling snakes and other stuff.
This is a recent pic taken a few days ago.
hey guys i also just got a new tegu, yesterday i got a columbian tegu it was in the pet store with no uv and it was only fifty.it is pretty cool but i somtimes has ramdom bursts of speed and he opens his mouth somtimes and he is a baby if you all want cheak it out go to youtube and look up my username and it is my newest video also with my new carpet in it
my username is reptilelova4life
Wow dude. Didn't know you were the kid that I heard about who keeps his tegu in the cold @55 bathroom. I don't give a crap if you got lights hanging up for her; there are chemicals, and s**t in there that can make her very sick! Not to mention, you take dumps in there. Would you like living in someone's friggin bathroom???
Just saw your videos -- someone aught to put you in a bathroom.