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My new tegu, burrows, and hisses at me????


Active Member
5 Year Member
Hello, Im a new tegu owner myself. Ive had my red for 4 months now. Ive been useing this fourm a lot because, well its a tegu forum, lol.

Try not to get offended by anyone here. They are just very protective of their animals, and of what they might view as mistreatment of other animals. No one wants to see a sad tegu.

Anyway, I;ll give you my advice from what Ive learned with Godzilla. First, every tegu is different. As they get older they all develop their own personalities. Its just how they are. Also, as some people have mentioned, Tegus are burrowing lizards. They like to dig underground. Espesualy my Godzilla. She spends most of her time underground. Im the same as you, I want to hold her and play with her and show her love. But you really have to wait for them to come out of the ground first.

I dont know how long you have had yours, but when I first got Godzilla, she burrowed underground for almost a week, and didnt come out for anything. She was in a new envyronment and scared. But, she did eventualy come out to eat. Basicly what Im saying is that you dont have to dig them up in order to feed them or have them bask. They will get hungry or cold, and do it on their own. It definitly is a little annoying, because you never know when they are going to come out of the ground, and you want to be there to see it. My Godzilla eventualy got into a pettern though. She would come out of the ground at around 10 am and go back underground at 4 pm. That works for me, because I work at night so Im able to hold her then.

It is really bad for them if they cant burrow, or digging them up. As others have said, being underground or being in their hide is their safe spot. Its where they can go to relax. Im sure a tegu would get used to being dug up, or liveing somewhere where they cant dig at all. But that I think would result in a very sad tegu, and I dont think you want that.

I dont think youve done to much damage. The guy is still new, so unless you keep doing it, he will eventualy forget. With proper care, I think any tegu, even ones mistreated for years, can become a loveing companion. Also, Im not sure about the hybernation thing. If she is new, my guess is that she isnt trying to hybernate, and is more just getting used to her new home.

Got any more questions, feel free to ask.

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