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Hi. No, everything is not well. I'm the mother of a juvenile tegu owner (my 19 year old daughter). Unfortunately, her father and I are getting divorced & she and I will be moving (within the same area). Her older sister(step daughter) had purchased her as a baby & quickly gave her up. My daughter wanted her. Because of major health issues, she's (my daughter) decided to sell her tegu. It makes me sad, but relieved. We are nearly certain that "Teku" is a female. And unfortunately, she's still not as human-friendly as she could be. My daughter's health did not afford her the time and energy she deserved. Though my daughter has been slowly trying to get her to a point of not having fear, when she reaches in to touch her (with a long glove for safety. She's not tame; nor is she aggressive. We need to re-home her (as sad as this makes us). Where do we start?
