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I have wanted a tegu for a looong time... i have 4 beardies now and love them so much!
But tegus take a much bigger commitment I have found. Any suggestions on how to get started?
Make sure you're serious about their temperament - they aren't like beardies at all. Because they're smarter, they have bigger personalities and even problems with behavior until they've been oriented with you for awhile. Lots of people write in saying "my Tegu was so sweet, and now he's a complete jerk to me". Totally normal with Tegus. Then - they go into puberty in their 2nd year of life. It's a whole other bag of worms sometimes....just depends on the Tegu.
They really do require a 8x4x4 enclosure. Most owners agree on that - but a lot of people start out smaller, thinking they'll have time to get a bigger one later. They grow fast! Small enclosures aren't good - if you don't have space, you should probably go with a skink! (Love those)