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New people and the cute act


Active Member
I was curious if anyone else has noticed their tegu really playing up their cuteness whenever they have an audience. Loki is adorable and does enjoy being pet but usually in small amounts before getting bored and tail-whipping me until I let him go sleep under the recliner. Love him to death but he can be a real pain in the ass.

When I introduce him to new people, however, he's a completely different animal. I swear his eyes light up the second he sees anyone new. If someone rubs his nose he'll completely close his eyes and push his nose fully vertical in the air to get the most pets possible. Today I took him into the office and when I pet his neck he closed his eyes, arched his neck into my hand as far as he could and pawed the air like a puppy getting his ears scratched. Needless to say my entire office fell in love with him. I set him on the floor and he chased my boss for more nose rubs.

He can be in the worst mood you've ever seen - the second he sees new people he'll actually stop mid tantrum and will start laying on the charm. I actually held him for an hour this morning at the office - not one squirm tail-whip or huff. The whole thing is adorable but it makes absolutely zero sense in my mind. Has anyone else noticed this sort of thing - is my tegu just a hopeless attention junkie?

tl;dr lizard has more social skills than I do


Active Member
5 Year Member
Lol sounds like the oppisate of my gu. When we are alone, she is fine and calm, but as soon as a new face appears, she runs to me, or to the nearest cover to hide.

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