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new tegu hides all day


New Member
hey all, was wondering if you could help me with a new blue tegu

Its about 5 months old ish, i got it delivered from the shop about 2 weeks ago. FOr the first week it was very active, however i have noticed that for the last few days it is only up and about for a few hours in the morning, by 11-12 midday its gone back in to it's hide and there it remains for the rest of the day and night. i dont know if its actually sleeping in there or not, as you can see from the photo its a large hide and it tends to go right inside and bury itself in there so i cant really see and im not gonna poke my hand in and disturb it. But its not up and about for more than 3-4 hours each day.


Do you think its just a late hibernation? I dont think it was hibernating in the shop and now that ive got it here im wondering if it has started. I should mention that all the lighting within the viv is plugged in to a habistat sun and moon switch and therefore the viv lighting follows the same pattern as the natural outside daylight cycle.

Given that its currently getting dark outside around 5pm (in the UK) the viv lighting follows this pattern and will also go out at this time too. So im wondering if this reduced photoperiod has triggered a late hibernation response? But then surely during a true hibnernation it wouldnt be getting up for a few hours eating, pooping and basking and then going back to sleep?

anything to be worried about?






Active Member
5 Year Member
Im not a tegu expert, Im a new owner myself, but this doesnt sound like anything to be worried about. Espesualy if he is still comming out and eating and drinking. He is just getting used to a new home. From what Ive learned, a tegu will do what a tegu needs to do.

He looks great by the way.


New Member
reptastic said:
Its perfectly normal, its not spring yet so his activity level isn't going to be optimal level just yet,

ok thanks, is it bad if i disturb it and try and get it out? or should you always leave it alone when its resting......

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