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Hey, I was scrolling through the monitor forums and caught this one un-answered. Did you ever get your niles? As for niles, I do not know of anybody breeding them because wholesale they are so cheap (even though farmed) and because of lack of space. Obiously, niles need a lot of room (more than most people care to make for a $20-$30 animal), literally bedroom size or bigger. However, if you do get niles, I would suggest just saying screw the CB (most likely all you will see anyways will be wc or farm bred labeled as cb) and wait til somebody gets in a blue phase Nile on accident. They are well worth the wait. I saw one at a pet shop for $50, it was about 2.5 ft and I regret not buying it. I would have shipped it to my friend who has an outdoor enclosure in Florida.
Do yo prefer V. niloctus or V. ornatus?