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not doing well at all


Got him to the vet firs thing this morning , blood work ( results tomorrow ) and x-rays . The X-rays showed nothing BUT the vet and i were looking at a ear problem or sinus . But after getting home and videoing him Trying to eat and noticing that he would do this after every first Bite , he may be having jaw problems and it pain . The first time he did this , his mouth was full and he started shaking his head and freaked out . I forgot that he seemed to be making more noise when he ate . the last week . Just may be i was not giving him ENOUGH calcium . Hopefully the blood-work will show this . I just emailed the vet the vidoes i took , and they all have the same thing in conmen , he shakes his head , rubs his jaw and scratches at his jaw after his first or second bite . ?? By the way ,the vet cost me 350.00 so far . I just hope we can figure this out ,if i haven't already .


poor video , but you can see he takes one small bite , then shakes his head and rubs his jaw and scratches it , then goes and hides . This is all he can do since the first time he did this and freaked .


RobK. said:
poor video , but you can see he takes one small bite , then shakes his head and rubs his jaw and scratches it , then goes and hides . This is all he can do since the first time he did this and freaked .


something sure irradiates the crap out of him when he eats or put his head down .???


5 Year Member
What are those round brown things in the video? Dog food? I'm wondering if he hurt the inside of his mouth while feeding and it irritates the heck out of him when he tries to eat.

In the video he looks a bit tired and particularly frustrated right after he tried to eat.

Man, best of luck, you have my sympathies.



New Member
Jefroka said:
What are those round brown things in the video? Dog food? I'm wondering if he hurt the inside of his mouth while feeding and it irritates the heck out of him when he tries to eat.

In the video he looks a bit tired and particularly frustrated right after he tried to eat.

Man, best of luck, you have my sympathies.


That looks like Iguana chow. I soak mine for 1 minute before feeding but even dry that should not be a problem for them. Because he runs and hides there seems to be a bigger problem going on.

Hope you find out whats going on Rob.



Jefroka said:
What are those round brown things in the video? Dog food? I'm wondering if he hurt the inside of his mouth while feeding and it irritates the heck out of him when he tries to eat.

In the video he looks a bit tired and particularly frustrated right after he tried to eat.

Man, best of luck, you have my sympathies.


No .its moistened tortoise chow

It seem like something is irritating him in his head area .



Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Idk,.. I've never had one but Anatomy is pretty much the same. But he's clearly uncomfortably irritated,.. how good is he with being handled more so around the head and having his mouth opened? He may need to be sedated to make sure he didn't break or chip a tooth and it got lodged in there some where.

It could even be something as small as a hairline fracture that was missed on xray. Maybe he jumped up or down and hit his head or jaw. It wouldn't bother him much until he tried to eat. I don't know if you have ever had shin splints but it would be kind of like that depending on the cause of it.

I hope it's nothing major, he recovers soon and is able to eat again.


james.w said:
Does his jaw feel soft at all?

no , the vet checked that .

It also seems to get worse when he sets under the basking lamp and warms up . i wonder if he could have some kind of parasite in his nasal passage or ears ? The vet looked trough the ear membrane and could not see anything . She looked up his nose , took x-rays of his head . She is still waiting for all the blood work to come in. she said there were some part of the test showing elevated levels that (COULD BUT NOT SURE) cause seizure . Does not seem like seizures to me though . Just something irritating the crap out of him when he tries to eat . ????? its the only time he does that . I am waiting for him to poop so i can get a faecal sample . but he not eating 1/20 of what he was so who knows when he will .


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I don't think it looked seizure like, it looked like an irritant or pain. It kind of reminded me of the way dogs shake their heads when they get ear infections. I had always thought of seizures as the entire body convulsing.


rhetoricx said:
I don't think it looked seizure like, it looked like an irritant or pain. It kind of reminded me of the way dogs shake their heads when they get ear infections. I had always thought of seizures as the entire body convulsing.

his blood test are done and she had a few little concerns . but nothing definitive . that would cause him to do this . I am taking him in again Thursday and she is going to sedate him and flush and scope his sinus passages and flush them . out and check everything she can in his head .

Also i just sprayed/mist him and when the water hit his ears he did the same thing . so i am thinking like you , he has ear problems . His nose is clear , but he did have a CLEAR runny nose for a few days ,a week ago . When i get a bad runny that cleared up when i raised his temps 10 Deg and kept them that way for two days . She looked into his ears through the membrane and could not see puss or anything . with some lighted tool .She is thinking anti inflammatory and antibiotics also , just encase he has ear infection she can't see . i hope the next trip works . My wife is pissed at how much its costing me . If that does not work i don't know what i am going to do . He not eating enough and not happy .


New Member
Well robk, at least it sounds like something treatable! It's even worse to spend all that money to be told that there is nothing they can do. :(
I hope antibiotics do the trick, and that no other issues are going on! Keep us posted, and hang there. I know you're doing everything you can to get him healthy again!


jdpFL said:
Well robk, at least it sounds like something treatable! It's even worse to spend all that money to be told that there is nothing they can do. :(
I hope antibiotics do the trick, and that no other issues are going on! Keep us posted, and hang there. I know you're doing everything you can to get him healthy again!


I don't mind the money as i love this little guys . Its my wife who does not understand how you can LOVE a lizard . Me , a dog , cat or lizard they are all special .

I decide to hold him for a while today and he seemed to enjoy it . So you get to see my ugly face with Roni's cute one , I think he's cute . He try to eat the buttons off my shirt .and chew at the red strips . I noticed he did not have any issues will doing that , his head was elevated . I can't believe i was feeling all teary eyed just think about him having having problems .



5 Year Member
Wow i watch the video,in does seem like something is bothering him,and thats why he shakes his head.I really hope everything turns out well keep updating.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
He looks really good in the video and extremely tame. I'm impressed. I am guessing it is something in his ear, or mouth.


New Member
Looks like you have done a great job with him Robk. Nice Rhino! Hopefully if nothing else this will be one of those things that just passes. Working with reptiles there is always more to learn and much we just don't figure out.



Like i posted in the other thread , i fed him while he was sitting on my chest today, and he acted totaly normal . His head was elevated and it did not bother him at all . But minutes before that he tried eating while in his cage and it drove him nuts , shaking and scratching .:s


RobK. said:
Like i posted in the other thread , i fed him while he was sitting on my chest today, and he acted totaly normal . His head was elevated and it did not bother him at all . But minutes before that he tried eating while in his cage and it drove him nuts , shaking and scratching .:s

Im glad you've found a way for him to eat without him being in pain. Being able to get some food and nutrients into him can only help! Hope you find the answer to his ailment soon tho! <3


Affter looking at the videos i sent the vet , we though his problem was coming from his right ear . so the vet put him out and cut a small whole in the ear membrane and flushed his ear out , blood came out when she did this , BUT after testing this blood he showed no sign of it being infected . There are no blood vessels in this membrane , So why the blood ? he's on antibiotics and pain and anti inflammatory drugs for two weeks . I hope he recovers from this . BUT i don't know why he did this , did i do something wrong , and will it come back ? If it does come back i will have to put him down . :(
Hopefully something got in his ear through his throat and was removed when it was flushed out. ????

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