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so for the past 3 months my tegu has only eaten turkey he used to eat crickets and mice now he doesnt touch them and eats only turkey and when i put calcium on it he doesnt want it most of the time
Sounds like he's just out-grown the other food items or is just plain sick of them and (at least for now) is quite fond of turkey.
This shouldn't be a problem as long as you can still supply him with a daily regime of vitamins and minerals.
If he doesn't like the calcium taste, try balling up the turkey then putting the calcium powder inside of it so he doesn't taste that much of it. There's a number of ways to make sure the powder is in the turkey rather then dusted on top so find a way that works the easiest for you and you should be good to go.
Continue to offer different foods even if you have to stop feeding him turkey or anything for a while to make sure he's good and hungry. Some times they need to learn to be more opportunistic. I don't know what if any other foods you mix with the turkey but it's not an adequate diet.
Whole prey (insects or what ever) has supplemental benefits they need that we don't even know about making it hard to replicate.