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Organized hunts for large non-native snakes being discussed


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5 Year Member
I read on AOL a few minutes ago that they want to start organized hunts for large non-native snakes such as pythons that are living and breeding in the Florida everglades. I feel bad for the snakes, but I feel more anger towards those people who illegally release them. What are ya'll thoughts on this?


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5 Year Member
Well ,of couse I dont agree in hunting and killing the snakes,But they should be removed and placed elsewhere. These "hunters should use caution if they are trying to capture large snakes.It would be easy for a large python or anaconda to drown a man while trying to escape capture.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I have a lot of opinions on this matter since I have a Burmese python and I live in FL. I generally try to stay away from controversy, though. I'm a low conflict type of person by nature.

First of all, Bill Nelson is a weenie. He is using fear mongering and emotional appeals to scare people rather than presenting facts and logical arguments. There are much bigger issues right in front of us that need addressing. If he's concerned about safety, why doesn't he go after improperly kept dogs. If it's the environment, what about feral cats? Good Lord, look at our economy!

No one has proven the cause the of the presence of Burms, but current research is leading to destruction of pet stores, homes, and zoo facilities during Hurricane Andrew. The idea that people drive en masse to the Everglades to release snakes is ridiculous. I'm sure people have released pythons, but I don't think it's as rampant as the media claims it is.

The Burms are already established. There is no way they are going to be eliminated and there is no place to send them. If they are caught then they have to be exterminated. If hunters stomp through the Everglades looking for snakes, they will cause more damage than the snakes themselves! The snakes have predators...alligators, water birds, birds of prey.

I think it is a shame that there are irresponsible owners out there. I just sent in my $100 check that I pay the FWC every year to keep my 12ft Burm. He's microchipped and in a regulation cage. There are responsible keepers, but that never seems to make it into the media.

OK, I'm kicking my soapbox aside...sorry! :) I'm so sick of hearing about it in our news all the time.


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5 Year Member
well LauraFL you sound like a very responsible pet owner and im glad there are a few of you out there. NO offense but you guys down in Florida have the craziest stories I don't know what it is. I think the thaught is good but the idea is bad. I think people should strive to remove some snakes they do see but going around mutilaing snakes, it's not only barberick but pointless. It's just like the snakeheads that live up hear in the chesapeak bay. You need to stop the source of the problem which is irresponsible pet owners.


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5 Year Member
Well if there is a duck season and a wabbit season then there can be a snake season. I want to get this straight that I do not like hunting and would like to have snakes peacefuly removed but if they are well established then probably can be hunted the same way alligators can. I dont think it is barbaric as long as they consume the snake like they woud other animals and they hunt only enough to keep them under control. If they can be hunted or removed permenently then they should do so WITHOUT just going out and slauhgtering.


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5 Year Member
I agree with you 100% laurarfla! Seems like what starts out as a interesting idea always ends up screwed up as soon as a politician steps in!

And you are also right about the storms causing many of the accidental releases. I also can't see people flocking to the Florida everglades just to release their reptiles!

Right now, because of the economy, people are abandoning other pets as well. There are so many horses being abandoned that the horse rescue facilities are overloaded. Lets fix the economy first!!!!!!


New Member
5 Year Member
i think they should leave the snakes alone unless they r bothering ppl in neighborhoods or hurting the enviroment............. i say let um be............


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5 Year Member
4Horse said:
I agree with you 100% laurarfla! Seems like what starts out as a interesting idea always ends up screwed up as soon as a politician steps in!

And you are also right about the storms causing many of the accidental releases. I also can't see people flocking to the Florida everglades just to release their reptiles!

Right now, because of the economy, people are abandoning other pets as well. There are so many horses being abandoned that the horse rescue facilities are overloaded. Lets fix the economy first!!!!!!

You cant "fix" the economy. :grno It is something you have to adapt to and pull through. It is just part of the cycle. :mrgreen:

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