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Pet Regrets


Active Member
5 Year Member
Lubbock, Texas
tora said:
Aww, I have a hedgie and he's not stinky!

One pet I regret getting was a sugar glider. Stinky and mean as all hell.

awe dotn hate on the glider i have a super sweet boy he's like a cross between a parrot and a cat he's awesome! i guess the one i regret most not that i regret i loved him like crazy but would probably never get another had to be the racoon he was sweet and loving and ALWAY playful but dang he got into EVERYTHING impossible to keep them out of anything there is no "Racoon Proffing" your house but still a rockin pet just probably wouldnt get another :D


New Member
Wow, let me think. I did buy a glider,but that was for an ex, and I regret that. It bit her within 2 minutes, and she had never had a pet before,so gone it went. Not before it bit me though too. Cute, just not cuddly. The pets I've never owned and regret haha, sounds odd, they aren't mine but I have to deal with them. Sadly are cats, they are cute and cuddly,but leave hair everywhere and as they get older piss and crap on everything. I've never regretted my reptiles. Sorry Dragon,but on the Uro's, the show I just went to, if I had the money, I would've bought one, I say that like I didn't buy my beardie lol. The guy was tapping him on his mouth, did it with all of them, didn't bite, were calm as could be. Let you handle them, and they were warmed up, looked eager to get a home too haha.


New Member
kellen.watkins said:
I had a giant day gecko a few years ago I regretted, cute as can be (looked like the geico gecko) but mean and nasty a constant pain, would dart for me when I opened the cage to feed him, gave him away to a friend couldn't stand him/her lol

Me too! I couldnt even by the terrarium without them dashing to hide. Then I went to Hawaii and saw so many wild day geckos that captives don't look hide to me anymore.

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