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lol..the poo got put in on accident. my enclosure in these pics is 7' by 3' by 3'. i have a real nice 6' by 6' by 2' in my back yard for in the summer. the male is huge when in your arms. the pictures due no justice...lol
yes it is a straw/hay mix. i have tried everything from bark, dirt, and like 3 types of bedding and by far for me this is the best for spot cleaning and keeps the tegus clean when you wanna hold them. bark was horriable because the red like dust would get all over my clothes and stuff. the mulch and other types of bedding was way to dusty and i think made my tegus blow there noses a lot from the real fine dust from this bedding stuff. the straw/hay mix is awsome because it actually holds a burrow hole and tunnel system. its cleaner and the tegus really seem to like it. the straw/hay mix holds humidity almost to well because if you get it to wet it takes forever to dry so i like to turn it every few days and let it dry out a day or two before re-wetting it. straw/hay is so cheap i get it for only 5 dollars for a 33 gallon trash bag size of it so you can change the substrate very often and not become broke over it. give it a shot bro!!
will do!! my tegu COMA sneezes as well. and it seems cypress is nonexistent so hay/straw sounds like a cure. it seems alot cleaner as well. do you have any certain mix ratio??
no i have no certain ratio on the two. i kinda like the look of both kinds mixed more then anything eles. i think the straw is what constructs the burrows and the hay kinda covers the voids. one thing though is the first few days your room may smell like a barn or feed store.lol..