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I may be a bit biased, but I have to agree, Rock has AMAZING color and pattern. He only gets better with each passing day. I can't wait to see him all grown up!
And yes, we are assuming male, but don't know for sure yet! :lol:
I'm partial to the males because of the size. My girlfriend thinks the jowls are kinda gross, but I like the way it looks. I'm sure I will get a female B&W or Red one of these days. But a male B&W will have to come first.
be is beautiful, i like his color even thou i dont know any thing about tegus, is he soft? cause beardies arnt sofe except on there under side and there neck bottom....
I was reading a post by the Masters guy (his name escapes me) and as I understand it, when they hibernate they don't come up once a week for food, water and sun. I understand that to not be hibernating.
It varies on how long he is down, but what affects him is the weather. Texas weather is nuts, one day it will be 50 degrees, the next, 90. I've noticed on the warmer days he comes up, takes a look around like he's a bit confused, and if I don't turn his light on, he heads back to bed. If I do turn his light on, he'll bask for a tiny bit, less than an hour usually, and then go back down. Hopefully wants the weather stabilizes (Yeah right! In Texas?) he won't be up and down as much.