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Thanx Slide. He's a regular b&w. Kebechet it took bout 3 yrs for him to reach 4 ft. He's a lil over 4 ft now. I need to weigh him again 2 get an accurate weight.
I'm always so amazed everytime you post pics! He is beyond words. I can only hope for mine to turn out that laid back and beautiful. Side note I was wondering how do you post pics? I've tried and it never works for me.
i read what you said about being patient with your tegu when "tameing" him.
i was just wondering, how did your tegu feel about being carried when he was one year? cause mine is fine with being around me and when i mess around in his cage, but he still doesnt really like to be carried.
its okay if he never likes it, i know i didnt buy a purse-dog. i was just wondering if they keep adjusing after the first year.
Thanx Nessie, he's never hibernated. Good lookn Brutus. I upload em to photobucket then copy & paste the image link. Thrillhouse, when Chubbs was one he was more active, so when i'd pick him he'd move around alot more. For the most part now he'll sit on my shoulder & chill. when he get's fidgety i'll just switch shoulders or arm position. He was captive bred.
He is huge. I thought my Kimo was big until I saw Chubbs. My guys hibernate too though so they don't have as much time to grow as your. He is awesome though - and huge for a normal B/W. You need to get him a mate.