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Mine left all the planys in my enclosure alone for about 7 monthsm then one day I came home and it looked like a grenade went off inside the cage, I dont know why but that day was the day the plants had to go in the tegus mind. They were great while they lasted. Really made the cage look good.

I had in mine a Bromeliad, a Variegated Dwarf Schefflera, A Parlor Palm Plant, and one other kind I can't remember right now. The tegu never tried to eat them, but when he tore them up I imagine he was ripping them apart with his mouth and not just his feet, so be sure its not poisonous. I never checked on those plants, but he never got sick or died so I might have just been lucky,

Also good luck on finding out if any are pet friendly or not from any local big box retailer. And when you do get some, get tough looking ones that are allready growing well, and make sure their low light hearty indoor house plants, that way they wont die in a week.

Thats all
