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Quick question


My tegu finally came up for about 4-5 days, eating great and basking, Letting me handle her and everything. But the last 3 days she's gone behind her water bowl (I have a 55 gallon tank with one of those dog tin bowls that hold a quart of water. I dug out the mulch under it so it sits on the glass bottom level with the mulch). Well, she's never slept over there before so I thought it was kind of odd. That and she was eating like a champ coming out for about 4 hours a day then all of a sudden she hasnt come out for 3 days. Is that nromal? Plus she's sitting behind in her water bowl area and its cold/wet by it. I picked her up today and I realized she's shedding. Is it normal for them to not eat/come out while their shedding? I assume thats why she's by her water bowl where its wet. When i hold her she's active and flicks her tongue out and no signs of distress. But I know Im not supposed to take her from her "hiding place" so I havent really, and thusly she hasnt eaten in three days.

Any input? Or am I just being extremely paranoid when it comes to my little gu? lol.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
i think you might be a little paranoid but you can never be to sure when it comes to your babys.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
It's normal,.. some tegus don't eat as much and spend more time burrowed when they're about to shed or shedding. Eventually they'll come out to bask and eat when they want and need to. Going 3 or 4 days with out eating or basking isn't a big deal. They can go much longer with out it.

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