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Recommended UVB bulbs



I personally think the zoo-med powersun's are the way to go. They're readily available, are priced right and last...I've had absolutely no problems with the ones I've used. I prefer the 160w UVA/UVB for a well rounded basking light and UVB source. Very good self-ballasted mercury vapor bulbs.

For more info on UVB lighting, bulbs and additional reptile care, this is a good link for those of you that haven't checked it out:



New Member
Has anyone ever used or use the fluker's MVB? I am a little confused about mvb's, how can you tell which has a better output? I have always used the repti sun 10.0 which is a higher output then the 5.0, obviously so is there a better mvb? Also I am curious how much natural sun light is needed to give them enough uv for the day? I wonder only because when we have nice warm day I get them outside but I worry they aren't spending enough time in the sun.


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Nessie said:
Has anyone ever used or use the fluker's MVB? I am a little confused about mvb's, how can you tell which has a better output? I have always used the repti sun 10.0 which is a higher output then the 5.0, obviously so is there a better mvb?

I have a Fluker's on my chuckwalla right now and I am monitoring it's UVB output (I have a Solartech 6.2).

There has been a lot of trouble lately regarding all the MVB brands. I know personally I had 5 brand new ExoTerra Solar Glos MVBs and half were basically producing no UVB after a few weeks. I just bought a new Powersun to try out on the chuckwalla. One week later it had no UVB output. For a while T-Rex was having trouble as well as MegaRay. These manufacturers have been playing around with how they design the bulbs and obviously aren't quality testing them enough. (I am not the only one who has experienced this --> go on beardeddragon.org to see all the posts about it)

Reptisun 10.0 is definitely better than 5.0 in terms of UVB output but they don't put out nearly as much as MVBs after burn-in. After burn in my Reptisun 10.0s are putting out about 30 uw/cm^2 vs. my MVBs (that actually work) that put out at least 80 uw/cm^2 after 6 months burn in. These measurements are all at the recommended distances for each type of bulb.

In the summer in NJ at noon, the sun is putting out about 250 uw/cm^2. So, you have to put this all in perspective of the animal's natural environment, when they are typically found basking in the wild, etc. For example, a lizard who normally wouldn't be out in the sun during high noon would probably do okay with continued exposure to lower levels of UVB.


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laurarfl said:
Just to add...I can get PowerSun 100watt on-line for about $35.

Have you tested your your Powersun? I just bought one and after a week it was putting out 0 UVB. (see my post above^)


New Member
Please let me know how the fluker rated after some readings. That is what I just started using to replace my 10.0 and I am so scared the UV will be too low. It is a 100w Flukers Sun Spot.


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Nessie said:
Please let me know how the fluker rated after some readings. That is what I just started using to replace my 10.0 and I am so scared the UV will be too low.

I definitely will keep you posted.


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I have a couple of PowerSuns that put out 0 after 1 year and a few florescent tubes still putting out 20-30 after over a year. Go figure.


Could i take my tegu outside for a few hours to gain uvb lighting since i live in miami?


New Member
So-- ok, all I have for my 3 reptiles as far as UV goes, are fluorescent bulbs, as those were the fixtures I had and/or was given. All 3 of my screw in fixtures have the heated basking bulbs. I thought the fluorescent ones had a life of 1 year, and that the reptiles could be 12 in from them. I've read on here now that it's only 6-8mos and 10in. Which is correct? And how do you get them close enough if they don't always bask on their rocks or logs? What do you need to buy to test the UV, and what does it cost?
I am very worried after reading this that my bulbs might not be good enough. Is it better to have the heating and UV in one bulb together, or is it ok to have it like I do with one for heat and one for UV?

Does anyone have recommendations for a cheap outdoor cage or pen that can sit on my deck? I live in an apartment, and cant take them out in the "yard"; at least, not at my place!


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They have different requirements for distance depending on the bulb, the 10.0 Repti-Glo has an effective distance of 20", and the 5.0 is 10" I believe. I believe they are said to last 1 yr from the manufacturer, but the only way to really know is to test them. If possible go with a MVB for heat and UVB and use the tube bulbs for extra UVB.


New Member
OK, that's good to know. It is coming up on 1 year for 2 of my bulbs, so I was going to make a change soon anyway. Thanks, James, I really do appreciate this thread and its extremely important information!

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