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i'm actually hoping my spider bp male will reach breeding size by this winter for breeding =) i may get a pinstripe bp or a pastel female to make some spinners or bumblebees and eventually move onto Queen Bees...i also plan on building my tegu's a 10ft x 5ft x 4ft indoor enclosure(assuming i can move out of my dad's place into something more....hospitable...but since my new years resolution was finished last night i'm good to go =D
Alright so this year is starting out good. I got my dumeril my ball pythons pastel and spider is coming next week. All I need now are a clown bp , a blue tegu and then I'm done this year.
You know, I know this is a hobby where people tend to have "collections". I myself have one of over 20 animals, but this thread rubs me the wrong way.
I want a pair of this, and one of these, and some of those.
It sounds like you are talking about fruit, or books, or jeans.
Doesn't anybody consider the commitment anymore? Or take joy in getting ONE new animal? Why does it have to be bulk? Why so many at once? It kills off the joy of having pets, and turns into sig numbers
I wouldn't be so bothered except that I see so many different users posting the same stuff, in the same offhanded tone.
I am not a reseller. If I buy an animal, I keep it. Its not a whim sort of thing with me like if I get bored, with say, a certain species, I can just sell and dump off the animals because I never really cared in the first place.
Posts in this thread beg the question as to what these animals actually MEAN to their keepers. Are they pets?
And if so, would you go about getting six horses at once?
Six different breeds of dog? Cat?
I myself would love to be privileged enough to hatch out gargoyles this summer. I plan on breeding my first trio of cresteds as well. I spent months handpicking 3 individuals. And I have been wanting to purchase one pancake tortoise for about 6 months now, but I need a bigger place first.
I will also be doing a custom tegu enclosure this summer.
i completely understand what you are saying and i do not disagree with you meg but you must look at it from different angles...some people want new morphs and need females for their plans or projects...if it wasnt for plans and projects we wouldnt have the herps we have today...you wouldnt be able to breed your hand picked cresties(which are fidgin kool by the way i love cresties!) i understand it may look more like we are buying and trading cards but this hobby has to have an industrial fragment or it will be easy to pick apart =P because people want selective animals we as a community have arguements against those who oppose us as we do more than kill off bugs, mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits...
But i do agree with you it does sometimes seem like people dont care about their animals. There are those people who do remember the joy you would feel for days at the fact that you got a new herp...i remember when i came home to see my 2nd tegu i ordered from Bobby i new i couldnt hold her so would sit by her cage for hours i even took a nap by it one night because i never wanted to be away from her(i still did my husbandry for my other animals!!). No one will forget the joy, i bet even Bobby remembers the joy of getting his tegus. I personally am sorry if what i said came off wrong but i do not want to pay a couple hundred dollars for a beautiful snake that i could breed out myself =P
there is no doubt in my mind that there are those people who don't know their boundaries...when pets meet parent's last nerves, or when bills meets animals not eating...some people want 3 or 4 torts to breed them and to enjoy them...i just had a thought, and i think i'll start a topic on this if someone hasnt already...i would like it if you shared your thoughts on it Megg(as well as everyone else lol)