I work at an exotics pet store, sadly. I say that because my boss is an idiot, along with my coworkers (all two of them...) and I'm the only one who does ANYTHING and I can only work a few hours a day (school). After not supplying enough cages for everyone, two baby bearded dragons had to be kept together in a ten gallon tank. I haven't been to work since Friday, and came in today (at 4 pm) to find one of the bearded dragons looking sickly in the corner of it's cage. I picked him up to see his back right foot black and stuck to his tail, and his front left foot swollen and he wouldn't move it. I rushed to show my boss, and his friend suggested to wrap a rubber band around it and it would eventually fall off...WHAT?!? I soak him, get his foot un-stuck from his tail, and put some neosporen on it. I then cleaned out a tank just for him to sit in. At the end of the day I take the little guy back over to my boss to show him how his foot is still bleeding and tell him that he is going to have to go to a vet. He refused, stating he couldn't afford it and that he would save more if he would just "put him down". So...I had to step up and say let ME take him home and I'LL take him to the vet. Grr! I'll get pics asap.