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Speaking of escape artists...


Active Member
Let's start with the back story, and sorry in advance if this becomes too long. So yesterday, I played four games of lacrosse and they weren't right after another, so I was just playing all day (9:45 AM-7:20PM)

Needless to say, I was very very tired when I got home which was about 8:00. I got home and I was watching TV for a bit to relax, and when I went to bed, I just went upstairs, went to sleep, not really thinking about anything. And I forgot to put the top on Django's cage. Big mistake. Today I slept until 10:15AM but I have a timer on his lights so they were on already. I was surprised that I didn't see him basking, but figured he was just under his light basking tile because it's warm. I went to spray his entire enclosure which requires me to lift up the tile and he wasn't there and he wasn't in his hide box. I freaked out and started to search under the four inches of cypress mulch. Nothing. I freaked out even more and started searching under any towel, blanket, or piece of clothing or anything he could get under. I found him under my bed (big enough for my adult cats to get under, but I don't let them in my room ever) so I lifted up my comforter that was bunched up in between my bed and wall and there he was. He was huffing at me because I woke him up, but he was cold. I don't know how long he was gone, but I'm so glad I found him. I was heartbroken because he is almost small enough to fit under my for frame. He is now returned to his home basking with the cage lid ON! Unfortunately I don't know how he got out, so I eliminated the stuff that could have assisted him in his escape. We all learn from our mistakes and I will never again forget to put the top on. What are some of your escape stories or some that you guys and gals have read about?


Active Member
Glad you got him back!

I got home a few months ago and Loki had escaped (again). I have three latches on every door to his cage, two slide bolts on the sides and a twisting latch on the top. He managed to bash the window until the slide latch came undone and then pushed until the twist latch came undone. He then bent the door (steel reinforced lexan) and escaped. He then knocked a heat lamp off the scorpion cage onto the floor. Getting bored with nearly setting the house on fire he then pooped in the middle of my office and then decided to explore my workbench for weaknesses. He found a projector I was repairing and pulled it out and dumped all the pieces on the floor. He then managed to force the closet door open, dig through stuff and in the process of messing with everything he knocked a machete onto his back. I came home, panicked because my tegu was gone and the cage door was very obviously bent open... I started getting more and more pissed as I saw the destruction he'd unleashed on my room, and then I found him under the machete and nearly died. Turned out he was completely fine, I don't even think he noticed it with his insanely armored hide and he just decided that was a good place for a nap. Of course I was too relieved that he was ok to be pissed - he got lots of hugs and attention and learned all the wrong lessons. I'm starting to just accept that when I get home and he's in his cage it is because he wants to be there. Also no more storing weapons/gardening tools in the closet.


Active Member
Jeez! Lol Loki sounds like he's got a bit of a cat attitude when we wants yo be out! My little boy (twelve inches long) is going to be tricky to keep locked up since he's starting at such a young age lol


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5 Year Member
Wow - what an ordeal. Glad you got him back OK! Important part is what you said - we learn from our mistakes. Good idea for a thread so we can all learn from each others' mistakes too!

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