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Storm Warning...?


New Member
Well for the past two days Kitty hasn't come out of her hide at all. I think it may be because this week there have been many thunderstorms in area. I know that many animals do seek shelter in the wild and domestic pets sometimes get antsy when there are storms coming. Could this be just a coincidence or was she "hiding" from the storm? Has anyone else ever noticed this behavior? Sorry if i put it in the wrong forum.


New Member
5 Year Member
I have seen my Tegu do this too. We have been in a week of kind of crappy weather and she has hardly came out at all. Just to eat and bask for a bit, but for the most part she has been in her hide all week.

I have made this observation also.


New Member
5 Year Member
Of my three, only Kimo, the large male has come out this week - we've had mixed weather with a high that came in on Sunday night after major thunderstorms and a low that just moved in yesterday. Frieda has been in the hide all week and Diego, who is in his own outdoor enclosure due to his smaller size, has also been pretty much in the hide the whole time. In fact, I thought about checking on him because I hadn't seen him in a while and he hadn't touched his food, but today I spotted him out for a few minutes.


New Member
I just learned something else about my Tegu. This site is awesome! It just occured to me that it has been bad weather here the last couple of days and at the same time, after reading this, I realize the same behavior of my Tegu. Yesterday and the day before were rainy cloudy and now the thunder storm season is starting, she has be reclusive and out little. Today the weather has been much nicer and she came out this morning, ate very well and romped around for a few hours including with me.


New Member
Funny, i guess all tegus are the same last week my gu's were under the mulch the majority of the week, must have been the storm.

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