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SUPER-Tame Adult Argentine Black & White Tegu in Southwest Michigan Looking for a *GREAT* Home


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Thanks again, Dee-Dee; he *is* so handsome! :)
We connected with a reptile rescue this week, and we will deliver them both into good, loving hands tomorrow. I never in a million years would have imagined that we, of all people, would EVER relinquish beloved family members to a rescue. Until now, I thought rescues were populated by irresponsible and/or uncaring pet owners, and now I understand that sometimes it is because LIFE HAPPENS and they are only doing what they have to do for the good of the animals. I'm still in a bit of shock; but I know with my *whole* heart that we are doing what is *best* for them, even though it feels like *hell* for us. (Especially me, as I am their primary caregiver.) I trust God that they are going into great hands, and He will make sure they end up in a home or homes where their new families give them even better care - and love them even more than we do - although I am struggling to believe that is even possible. I keep repeating: They will be fine; they will be happy, they will continue to thrive, and they will be loved. (lather, rinse, repeat) Man oh man I'm (we're) gonna miss them!
And you know what? When we retire and life settles down a bit, we will adopt from *rescues*, not breeders. Life lesson learned. :tegu::)
I have respect for what you're doing. Wish you well in all things.

Tegu Tamer

New Member
St Joseph, MI
I have respect for what you're doing. Wish you well in all things.
Thank you, Walter. Handing my babies over was THE MOST DIFFICULT thing I have ever done in my life.
And I am no spring chicken.
I wish nobody would EVER have to go through this kind of pain.
I know we did the right thing - what HAD to be done - and I know they are in *GREAT* hands; but I will forever have an empty space in my heart and soul. I know they will bring lots of joy to whoever is blessed with them; and I pray it will be someone who will give us updates, so we know they are loved and well cared for.


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5 Year Member
I know it's been awhile but do you know if Micio is still at the mid Michigan rescue? I tried to contact them and waiting to hear back. Me and my family lost our tegu to cancer awhile back and we would LOVE to adopt Micio!

Tegu Tamer

New Member
St Joseph, MI
I know it's been awhile but do you know if Micio is still at the mid Michigan rescue? I tried to contact them and waiting to hear back. Me and my family lost our tegu to cancer awhile back and we would LOVE to adopt Micio!
Hi Alexlanger - I am so sorry to hear about your tegu. Yes, Micio is still with the wonderful people at Mid Michigan Reptile Rescue. I know they are very busy helping animals, and helping those animals find forever homes, so don't give up on them.


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5 Year Member
Thanks for replying! Do you happen to have a number to contact the rescue? I've tried sending them an email and messaging them through Facebook today but waiting to hear back from them.

Tegu Tamer

New Member
St Joseph, MI
Hi Alexlanger - That is wonderful that Micio is already pending adoption. I hope his new family gives him all the love he deserves and more, and I hope they send updates to us from time to time. Ideally, he will be involved in education programs. Maybe we will get *really* lucky, and his new family will create a Facebook page for him like Winston the Tegu, who also came from the Mid Michigan Reptile Rescue; then we would get to see regular updates.

I am sorry you missed out on adopting him, though, as he is truly a special tegu. If you have time, please check out the Reflections of Rainbow Bridge Prism gift set at the link in my signature. If you like it, I would love to send one to you to honor the tegu you recently lost.

Best wishes for you and your family connecting with the right tegu, and helping to fill that void, as I totally know how that feels.

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