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Swamp Men Episode on Animal Planet


New Member
I was appalled as I was watching tonight's episode of Swamp Men. There was a brief segment regarding a recently captured tegu that was either let loose or got lost. Comments were made that these "reptiles" are extremely aggressive, and are not recommended/good choice for a pet. It seems like those making the comments do not have a great understanding or knowledge of Tegu's. I have to say I was not too thrilled on how Tegu's were being portrayed in such a negative manner. :dodgy:


New Member
No neither do i , unfortunately the majority of people dont think too highly of reptiles as pets and tv shows are about ratings so of course they are going to cater to the majority and not us reptile loving weirdos (not that there is anything wrong with being a reptile loving weirdo lol) I always have peace knowing that every year hundreds of people are hurt from dogs and sometimes even killed where as that number with reptiles is but a very very small fraction
Nytes_Haven said:
I was appalled as I was watching tonight's episode of Swamp Men. There was a brief segment regarding a recently captured tegu that was either let loose or got lost. Comments were made that these "reptiles" are extremely aggressive, and are not recommended/good choice for a pet. It seems like those making the comments do not have a great understanding or knowledge of Tegu's. I have to say I was not too thrilled on how Tegu's were being portrayed in such a negative manner. :dodgy:

i love you :D

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