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Tegu diet



I just recently entered into the world of Tegu keeping. I have this B & W Argentine that was the "runt" of the litter. I was told she is a year old and only about 16 inches from nose to tail. She is very healthy though. The problem I have is that she only eats roaches and rats. I read that its good to feed a hatchling as much meat as they want except for rodents. Is there a reason for this???? I have mixed ground turkey with cod liver oil and also beef liver and ground turkey but she doesn't touch it except for maybe a bite or two. Is there anything I should try or should I just keep offering it until she decides to eat it? Also should I continue to feed her as many roaches as she wants and cut back on rodents? Or should I also give her as many rodents as she wants? Any advice is much appreciated.


Meat, besides rodents, I do whatever my tegu will eat in a 15 minute period or until it walks off. Some people feed adults every other day or so but I think yours would be a sub-adult. My hatchling gets fed twice a day. I think rodents are supposed to be fed once a week, I'm not entirely sure dont quote me!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
You can try other meats like chicken breast/gizzards/hearts, telapia, salmon, beef hearts, kidneys and boiled eggs. Tegus can develop a taste for certain foods and will stop eating other foods you can try to skip a few meals and then try to offer her some and see if she will take it. A varied diet is important for a growing tegu, it helps them with their growth and most important their development. They need plenty of protein, vitamins, calcium and fat especially since they grow at a very fast pace.

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