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Tegu fertility/hibernation?


New Member
Hi everyone I'm very new to tegu keeping and don't have one right now do to buying a sick Red tegu and it dieing 4 days later.
But I've caught the tegu keeping bug and I'm going to buy a new (not sick) red tegu next week and want to one day in the distant future breed my tegu but I don't know if it was ever hibernated and I've read if it skips a season of hibernating

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk 2

Hi everyone I'm very new to tegu keeping and don't have one right now do to buying a sick Red tegu and it dieing 4 days later.
But I've caught the tegu keeping bug and I'm going to buy a new (not sick) red tegu next week and want to one day in the distant future breed my tegu but I don't know if it was ever hibernated and I've read that if it skips a season of hibernating it won't be able to breed successfully? Is this true? Is it where there little like the one ill be getting or is it once they reach sexual maturity they can't skip hibernation?

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk 2


there are tegus that skip the cycle and have bred and there have been Gu's the haven't skipped and still wont breed. I believe its like snakes imo the the weather plays a great roll in the whole thing . low pressure rain things like that

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