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Tegu food


Could some one tell me a good stable diet? I've seen i can give them this and that and then some stuff is not good for them. Can i get like A mon-sun food plan? For great health and growth?


Active Member
There are a ton of possible diets and the foods they like varies by age and by individual.

Here is a pretty comprehensive guide to what they can eat

Variety is key - both for your tegu's happiness and to reduce the chances of nutritional deficiencies.

I mainly feed ground meats from hare-today. They sell meats with bone & organs included which makes them far more nutritious than supermarket ground meats. It also drastically reduces the need for calcium supplementation. Whole prey is also great but many rodents can be quite fatty so I feed them sparingly. Just remember that pinkies are very high in fat and don't have the same calcium as adult mice - so I'd feed the largest rodents that he can easily eat. Hare-today also makes it much easier to get a large variety of meats - I usually make a large order every few months, portion the food, and freeze.

Here is the diet I feed - Don't take this as gospel
Monday to Friday - Ground Meats
I favor Rabbit & Turkey - they are cheap, low fat, and loki loves them
I also feed him pheasant, quail, goat, beef, ground fish, and duck

Saturday - Tilapia or salmon fillet - I usually dust these with some extra calcium
Sunday - Various other foods, Apple Snails (asian mart), scallops, frog legs, canned grasshoppers, earthworms, and any other random foods I see that I think he'll like.

I try to give him rodents about twice a month .

So far frogs legs & apple snails are his favorite treat.

I also offer blueberries with most meals - I offer other fruit all the time, however, he is stubborn and only eats the blueberries. Your mileage with fruits and veggies may vary. My tegu is young, so he should hopefully develop more of an interest in fruits as he gets older.

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