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Tegu vs puppy's


New Member
I would like to know how many people have teug's that seek affection. My 5 year old male Lucifer is free roaming with his own climate controlled area but seeks me out everyday for cuddles for at least 30 minutes. I'm just curious if this is common.


New Member
I watch TV with Sammy, my one year old, most nights. He usually enjoys snuffling around under a blanket for a bit, then settles in with his head under my chin or lays down somewhere beside or on me. Yesterday I was holding him for about 5 minutes while talking to neighbors, he decided he needed to be down for a bit, walked around, gave them a sniff or two, then came back and started climbing up my leg to be held again. He is way better in the car than most dogs, usually just settles in for a nap in his open top carrier.

Hoping as he gets older he may do the "chuffing" thing, as long as it is because he is content, and not because he wants to mate! I hear him doing single chuffs on occasion.



New Member
They are amazing creatures. I started taking him outside and don't even bother with the leash anymore. I just walk with him down the sidewalk to try and dull his nails a little.


New Member
I think Sammy would do OK off leash, but I am just a bit worried in case he would bolt in reaction to a loud truck or motorcycle passing by. We have cornfields all around us and once he would get into them it would be impossible to find him. Based on the fact that he usually leads me to the front door when he wants back in, I am guessing he would find his way home, but I am not willing to take that risk.

They are really a cut above, although owners of other breeds may disagree.

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