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Tegus Dont Deserve This - _ -


New Member
the best thing i think to say is to remind people that what they saw was a wild tegu. of course its not gonna act the same as a pet tegu. use other examples too like i remember an episode of the croc hunter years ago he was chasing a wild bearded dragon and it was pretty aggresive and bit him right on the nose, if i remember right. now does that attitude to aply to pet beardies? not ones ive had or seen for the most part. the majority of people just dont understand that some reptiles can learn. you could tell them its the difference between a wild dog and a pet dog and they just cant grasp it cause to them a reptile might as well not have a brain at all.


New Member
Well, honestly, its just like domestic cats and feral cats. A domesticated cat is they way it is because of its owner/trainer and the time they put into it. A feral cat is operating off of its survival instincts and is a wild animal. Same difference with domesticated Tegus and wild Tegus.


i think this is their way of making people not care so when they ban large reptiles they will feel like something good happened and the average unintelligent person will say "this is great they should have banned them long ago because i worship what comes out of a box". i think if we want to keep our tegus we will probably have to do something.


5 Year Member
The video is bad but the good thing is no kids an impose buyers will be looking to buy one... I was go my research on how bad an animals bite is before I get it if im not ready to deal with the outcome of getting bit then I dont need it.. Same thing they do with pitbulls but check this pic out of my niece with my 80lbs teddy bear...


New Member
Yea the tegus on that show were wild and invasive. I will admit they did bash the species as a whole but they are not native to South Florida and should be removed. I live in south florida and i like the native species we have here so the exotics are a problem. But anyways i think they should have had a segment about out docile pet tegus and show how nice they can be when they are captive bred a raised. Tegus have some nice set of teeth on them!


5 Year Member
OK...I gotta post this. So, I just got back from my honeymoon and I had my friend who owns a rather large reptile breeding facility take care of my two giants, Aesop and Francis. This guy's been in the business over 32 years...Both of these tegus, mind you, had been the absolutely TAMEST tegus you could imagine. However, when my friend went to change Aes's water, Aesop grabbed hold of his index finger and proceeded to clamp down and shake violently. My friend ended up going to the emergency room, was put on 3 different types of antibiotics, ran a 102 degree temperature, and had the infection spread to nearly his shoulder (from his INDEX FINGER!!!).

Yes, tegu bites, even captive, SEEMINGLY tame tegu bites, can put you in the hospital. Don't be fooled by your tegu's docility...it can change in a heartbeat.

On a sidenote: Aesop lost a good 8 inches of tail, a few of his nails, and is REALLY highstrung. REALLY high strung. It's not going to scare me off or anything, but I just wanted to put some real-life perspective on this issue.

Not to mention, when you go to the hospital for things like this, Animal Control gets involved and that doesn't do anything positive for our hobby.

End transmission.

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